2005 Pictures
Map taken from Rails-Trails (2005)
Video clip of "Standpipe Outfall"
2006 pictures
This page
follows the D&H rail-trail from the Forest City trailhead south to
the O&W trail crossover. This section is 2.5 miles long and is part
of the improved trail. The rest of the improved trail runs north to
Herrick Center. The improved surface even allows for riding with a
road bike. These pictures show the improved surface. The new surface did not hold up as expected and it doesn't look like this today.
April 2009 pictures
After our walk
in Forest City and not finding the needed mile posts. We went south of
the Forest City trailhead to try to find more. At the time the GPS data
was a bit inaccurate because the nearest one actually found was #164. With improved mapping and GPS data, we wanted to see if we could find more artifacts, plus the growth was down.
Topo map of area explored
2012 Pictures
Recently the Lackawanna Heritage Valley Authority is in the process of acquiring the D&H from Vandling to Simpson. This will provide a link from the end of Rails to Trails to their new trail just off Enterprise Street. I wanted to get some more pictures of this section before development occurs. These pictures are from Vandling to Simpson.
2016 pictures
These pictures are taken after the bridges were re-decked and now open for use. The railroad grade is pretty much untouched, but there are plans to develop it.